The Finest in Illustration & Cartooning

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Vanguard has garnered acclaim from The New York Times, The Village Voice, Time Out New York, The IPPY Awards, Starlog, National Public Radio, Video Watchdog, The Eisner Awards, Entertainment Weekly, Fangoria, The Society of Illustrators, Rue Morgue,, Publishers Weekly, Variety, The LOCUS Awards, Library Journal, The Rondo Awards, and more. VANGUARD's IPPY Award winning biography on Hal Foster has inspired the Society of Illustrators to induct the Prince Valiant creator into their Hall of Fame, and likewise, inspired Foster's hometown to erect a life-size bronze statue honoring Foster, the Father of the Adventure Strip. VANGUARD CEO, J. David Spurlock is currently expanding projects to include video as well as new books with or about, world famous illustrators and various popular music subjects.
For the latest Vanguard news, like us on Facebook.

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Since the early 1990s, VANGUARD has grown as an acclaimed producer of illustrated, pop culture publications. VANGUARD shifted from periodicals to mostly book publication in the late-90s, shortly before their eight-year affiliation with Random House subsidiary, Watson-Guptill. VANGUARD subjects include, art, fantasy, graphic novels, prints, science fiction, music, mystery, and more. VANGUARD is also known as the world's leading producer of art-book biographies on illustrators & cartoonists including books on such legends as Frazetta, Steranko, Basil Gogos, Neal Adams, Wally Wood, Hal Foster, Margaret Brundage and many more. For the latest news, join Vanguard Productions on FaceBook.

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What people are saying about Vanguard:

"Vanguard's books are among the finest editions being published today that are dedicated to the great American comic book medium. When we held in our hands the beautiful editions of The Comic Book Makers, we were ecstatic. Vanguard's books are among the best in the business. Thank you David Spurlock and Vanguard Productions for the passion and craftsmanship you put into your books!"

Joe Simon, Jack Kirby collaborator and co-creator of Captain America
"Vanguard launched the sketchbook boom that is so prevalent to this day. Vanguard was the first to systematically turn artists' names into brand names. Vanguard represents and is the prideful expression of an art form whose injection into film, television, galleries and museums is only just beginning. I have looked for this development for a very long time."

Neal Adams, Legendary Batman, Green Lantern, Continuity and X-Men artist
"David Spurlock's Vanguard work is A #1. Moreover, he's a real pro in every sense of the word responsible, dedicated, loyal. The (Spider) book we worked on is sensational. David did everyone proud! Well done indeed. The art and Vanguard's work both really shine."

Gene Colan, Legendary Iron Man, Dracula and Sub Mariner artist
"Joe Orlando introduced me to David Spurlock. Joey was very excited about his latest find and¬?wanted David in a key position at Mad or DC. I'm as impressed with him as Joey was. David is one of the best men I've ever worked with. Not only does he have my highest support and respect as a professional but, I also consider him a close personal friend."

Carmine Infantino, DC Comics Publisher Emeritus; co-creator of The Flash, Batgirl, Poison Ivy, Human Target, Deadman, Black Canary, etc.
"Vanguard is the leading publisher of comics histories, art books, and biographies. Just as I served as the vanguard of the Silver Age of Comics, J. David Spurlock's line of books serve as the vanguard of Silver Age comics histories."

Julius Schwartz, DC Comics' "Father of the Silver Age"
"J. David Spurlock's Vanguard books are really great. I hope they sell a zillion copies. Vanguard's John Romita Sketchbook is more than a book of drawings. It's a testament to the awesome talent of the legendary John Romita, Sr., one of the most brilliant visual storytellers of our time. He is truly the quintessential comicbook artist, as the pages of this book so graphically testify.

"Fans all over the world have acclaimed Gene Colan as one of the artistic giants of the Marvel Comics bullpen. Now, for any readers who are discovering him anew, the spectacular illustrations in Vanguard's book proudly proclaim that the master's hand hasn't lost its touch. In fact, his artwork on The Spider is as awesome and beautifully drawn as anything Gene has done in the past--and take it from me, that's high praise indeed!"


Stan Lee
"Vanguard's Popular Artist Sketchbook Series is the most significant in the history of comics."

Jim Steranko, Hall of Fame artist, writer, magician, publisher, musician.

"Vanguard Productions is the runaway Soul Train of the finest in sci-fi, fantasy, comics, illustration and more. Hats off to J. David Spurlock for carrying the torch."

Paul Gulacy, Legendary Master of Kung Fu, Star Wars and Batman artist

"--trying to move comics into being more acceptable to the mainstream audience. We worked very hard... to try and crack the Science Fiction Book Club. We got tossed out of there, and tossed out of there, and not listened to. Then... I picked up my latest Science Fiction Book Club mailing and they had Vanguard Press's Amazing World of Carmine Infantino as an offering."

Paul Levitz, DC Comics publisher on the state of DC wrap up, summer 2001.

The credo of MOST modern publishers is: Negligence and Unprofessionalism, combined with Disrespect smothered in Arrogance makes the biz go round (according to them). One Bright exception is J. David Spurlock of Vanguard!!! David actually cares about what he publishes and the talents that created the work!!! (Almost unheard of these days!)

Frank Brunner
"Vanguard is a very impressive publishing line. Certainly, these books deserve attention and inclusion in any overview of comic history."

Will Eisner, Ground-breaking comics artist, graphic novelist and creator of The Spirit.
VANGUARD, commonly known in the publishing industry as VANGUARD PRESS, is the owner of various trademarks including VANGUARD, VANGUARD PUBLISHING, VANGUARD MAGAZINE, VANGUARD COMICS, VANGUARD STUDIO, and, U.S. Trademark Registration No. 3429227 for the trademark VANGUARD PRODUCTIONS for publishing of books, magazines; publishing and distribution of books, reviews and other printed matter in Class 41 on the Principal Register. These trademarks are referred to collectively as the VANGUARD Trademarks. Additional trademarks include, The EDGE, The SPACE COWBOY, and KID SPIDER among others.